Dedication Opportunities
· New Wing Dedication - $1,000,000 1/2 Reserved
New Wing Dedication: “The new wing will provide a unique space for exploring Jewish thought, prayer, and tradition, in a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing space. This new space will embody the future of the Chabad’s community center, integrating Jewish tradition with educational innovation, mixing diverse programming with Jewish flavor, and providing an opportunity for all Vermont Jews to forge their unique and personal Jewish identity. Your impact will fortify the continuation of Jewish community in Vermont for generations to come.”
· Sanctuary - $360,000
Sanctuary: “Your support of the new sanctuary is a historic opportunity to lay the foundation for the future of Vermont’s Jewish community. This physical space helps connect us to the spirituality of the Jewish community and its history. Every component of the space symbolizes our connection to the Almighty, and orients us towards Jerusalem, the capital city of our souls the traditional direction for Jewish prayer. In this sense, your support unites our community with Israel and Jews everywhere.”
· Social Hall - $180,000
Social Hall: The social hall will be the epicenter of community building, providing the opportunity for Jews from every walk of life to rejoice in holidays, enjoy cultural events and seminars, and host a variety of diverse Jewish programming. This social hall will also be an ideal space for hosting events with the larger Burlington and greater Vermont Jewish community, providing the perfect space for a variety of community development initiatives. Your contribution will also enable the creation of another self-generated revenue stream to fund Chabad operations through renting the space out to other community organizations and special events. Your impact and support will both ensure the continuation of diverse Jewish community building and will also provide revenue generation to fund the community center’s programming and operating costs.
· Library - $180,000 Reserved
Library: “The library will play an integral role in providing diverse opportunities for the cultivation of Jewish education, identity, and community building. Your contribution will impact our community members’ personal productivity and cultural engagement, enabling our community to forge their personal relationship with Judaism through eclectic texts, lectures and seminars, and opportunities for meaningful dialogue and connection. The library will also play an integral role in our early childhood programs, providing enriching learning experiences, emotional growth, and school-readiness skills. This library will impact our entire community, from young learners engaging in their first Jewish text to lifelong learners looking for an inclusive community for study and personal development.”
· Outdoor Playground - $150,000
Outdoor Playground: “Integrating play-based and child-lead Reggio style learning with Jewish flair, the outdoor playground will be an engaging space for children to explore the physical world, learn civility through sharing, and cultivate emotional strength by forging friendships through active play. This space will be a hallmark of our early education programs, ensuring that physical education is available to all our students. Your support will provide endless hours of laughter, fun, and the cultivation of lifelong friendships through innovative play-based Jewish learning.”
· Kitchen - $100,000
Kitchen: “From kosher cook-offs to community celebration events, the community center kitchen will connect our love of food, and nourishing the body, with spirituality and the nourishment of our souls. The kitchen will serve many functions, from hosting cooking classes to providing nutrition seminars to cooking the café meals, your support for the kitchen will touch every segment of the community center. Your impact will provide endless opportunities for our community to learn about local food systems, kosher eating, and ensuring that Jews throughout Vermont will have the opportunity to enjoy home-cooked, authentic kosher meals.”
· Indoor Playground - $75,000
Indoor Playground: The first of its kind in Vermont, the indoor playground will be the epicenter for cultivating connections amongst our community’s young families. This playground will provide engaging and innovative play-based learning opportunities and will also be the home of birthday parties, holidays, and other special events for our little ones. The indoor playground will also host mini-Israel, an exploration of Israeli history, culture, and geography, providing a unique learning experience for all Chabad visitors. Your support will ensure the future generations of Jewish Vermonter’s are engaged and supportive of the Jewish homeland and have cultivated an early connection through interactive play-based learning and cultural events.
· Lakeview Deck - $75,000
Lakeview Deck: “Overlooking a majestic view of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks, the lakeview deck will be the ideal location for celebrating life’s most precious moments! The deck will provide the ideal setting for weddings, bar mitzvahs, brit milah’s, and other opportunities to celebrate Jewish tradition and holidays. The deck will also be rentable to the community, providing another revenue stream to help the community center remain financially sustainable and free of charge to the greater Jewish community. Your contribution will enable future generations of Jewish families to honor Jewish tradition while enjoying the serenity and natural beauty of our native Vermont.”
· Cafe - $75,000
Café: “The community center will hold Vermont’s first kosher café! Featuring coffee, snacks, and wholesome food, the café will serve as the epicenter of our community’s social life, providing a warm and inclusive environment for meetings, meals, events, and everything in between! The café will be one of the community center’s revenue streams, creating a sustainable business that contributes to the center’s funding and financial stability. Students will have an opportunity to learn about the natural world, local food systems, and nutrition through interactive, culinary learning experiences. Your contribution will provide an outlet for community building, a self-generated revenue stream for the center, and enable countless learning opportunities for children and adults alike connecting Jewish values to food and proper nutrition.
· Study - $54,000
Study: “No community center would be complete without a serene environment for reflection and personal learning. This study will provide serious learners of Jewish texts an environment free of noise and distractions, perfectly suited for bar mitzvah preparation, Torah study, and other quieter learning activities. Your contribution will provide a haven for deep contemplation and study for the next generation of Jewish scholars and thought leaders.”
· Entryway - $54,000
Entryway: “The first sight visitors will experience when coming into the community center, the entryway will set the tone for the rest of the building, providing a feeling of warmth and inclusion. Your contribution will set the tone for the entire community center experience, ensuring that all visitors, ranging from daily visitors to renters of the space, feel welcomed, encouraged to engage, and a sense of belonging.”
· Aron Kodesh - $36,000 Reserved
Aron Kodesh: “Your contribution to the Aron Kodesh will provide worshippers and Talmud students alike the opportunity to enjoy lifelong learning of torah and Jewish teachings. The holiest place in the synagogue, the Aron Kodesh is a special opportunity to honor past family members and loved ones, representing our historic connection to the almighty and his glory. Your contribution will impact the continuation of Jewish tradition and culture in Vermont for years to come.
· Rabbi's Office x2 - $36,000
Rabbi’s Office x2: “From weddings to funerals to classes on contemporary Jewish thought, our Rabbi’s do it all! Your contribution will provide the community with welcoming and comfortable spaces to consult with Rabbi Raski and Rabbi Junik on Torah, Jewish traditions, philosophy, events and holidays, and everything in between.”
· Teen Lounge - $35,000
Teen Lounge: “In addition to our early learning programs, Chabad strives to reinvigorate Jewish identity past the bar mitzvah stage. As our boys and girls become men and women, our teen lounge will provide an engaging and inclusive environment for young adults to continue their connection to the Jewish faith through innovative and diverse programming. Your contribution will provide a safe, encouraging, and inclusive area for building the next generation of Jewish community leaders. Whether it be through a social entrepreneurship initiative for high school community service, or a mentoring program with our younger students, your support for the teen lounge will enable a continuation of Jewish identity and connection for young adults throughout the state.”
· Bimah - $25,000
Bimah: “The focal point of the synagogue sanctuary, your contribution will honor the important work of Chabad rabbis, community leaders, and honored guests during services and Jewish holidays. By honoring the crucial work of our Jewish community leaders, your impact will ensure that Jewish tradition and identity grows and fortifies in Vermont for years to come.”
· Front Entrance Mezuzah - $18,000
Front Entrance Mezuzah: “The mezuzah, an essential mitzvah, symbolizes longevity and protection from evil. The mezuzah unifies and sanctifies the three dimensions of time, space and the soul. Your support of the front entrance mezuzah is a deeply meaningful contribution to the traditions of the Vermont Jewish community, honoring the history and celebrating the future of our community for years to come.”
· Washing Station - $18,000 Reserved
Washing Station: “The Jewish ritual of hand washing contains significant spiritual meaning through the cleansing of the hands before eating, ritual, and other important times. Your contribution will provide a beautiful and inviting area to participate in this tradition, honoring the past through continuation of this special ritual into the future.
· Ner Tamid - $10,000
Ner Tamid: “Representing the light that burned continuously in the ancient Temple of Jerusalem, the Ner Tamid is a symbol of the Almighty’s eternal and imminent presence in our communities and in our lives. Your support of this deeply meaningful symbol will glow for years to come, encouraging the continuation of Jewish tradition, identity, and community in Vermont.”
Chazzan's Lectern - $10,000
Chazzan’s Lectern: “A staple of the sanctuary, the Chazzan’s lectern will provide an engaging focal point for worshipers to listen to the sermons of Chabad’s rabbis and community leaders. Your contribution will commemorate years of Jewish tradition in Vermont and ensure the continuation of Jewish prayer and service through your impactful support.”
· Mezuzah Dedication - $3,600 1 Reserved, 24 Available
Mezuzah Dedication: “A staple of Jewish tradition, your support will ensure every room is sanctified in accordance with the Almighty. Consider dedicating a mezuzah in honor of a loved one, special event, or in honor of a special passion of yours.”
As construction continues, there are dedication opportunities available. Please consider partnering with us and making this beautiful drama a reality. Buy dedicating an area for a loved one or in honor of a special occasion.
Please contact Rabbi Raskin to discuss further.